vrijdag, november 10, 2006

the mobile blog

this is just a tester to see if it ever would be feasable to type my blog from the road via my psp . i would have to say one can do it but it sure is taking a hell of a long time ! come on playstation when in the heck are you foLKs giong to bring out the portable keyboard?

donderdag, november 09, 2006

War songs and slogans

I have once again been seeing lots more coming out on tv about all the anc fight songs and their MK songs, whic of course only speaks of hate for ALL whites and how they are giong to kill us all. The thing that pisses me off and gets my head shaking as well is that whenever you see the news or some show airing the toi-toi bunch siging these songs, in olden days and now. There is always a number of white morons in there dancing and screaming at the top of their lungs along with the anc brood.

What part of "we hate all whites, where giong to kill all whites" dont they get.

So on this note this boer has been thinking its time to make up anti mandela songs as well as anti anc songs, and publish them all over the web and see if we cant even get some folks to start chanting them in the streets....Now you all know what will happen the second this gets done. Those who post it on their sa websites or sing it in the streets will be arrest and branded as racist and evil.,..... O you got to love the double standards of the west and the anc.

In all my life the most hectic racist i have ever come across has always been black people. And thats saying a lot i had some really bad racist family folks in the past. but still the worst offenders has always been black people. Its seems that not only is it according to the liberals and blacks alike the black peoples duty to hate whites and other races its their right.

Ok enough murmur and grumblings from me.



zaterdag, november 04, 2006

1916 - 2006

Vandag is 'n baie stil en hartseer dag vir my. My President is oorlede. Die laaste waare leier van Suid Afrika het in sy slaap op ouderdom 90 gesterf. P.W Botha was die eerste en eenigste President van die Rubepliek van Suid Afrika gewees. Selfs in sy laaste paar jaar op die aarde het hy nog steeds om gegee vir sy volk en nasie.

Al die nuus berigte op die oomblik word aangebied met die informasie dat die leier wat nooit wou in gee teen sy oud modiese metodes en regeering styl is dood. Maar dis nie dat PW nie wou verander nie en ook nie dat hy nie kon sien hoe of waar om dit te doen nie, dis net dat PW self het gese hy sal nie die Afrikaanse volk veraai en uit verkoop aan die vyand nie. PW het gese as ons sommer net semier als oorgee aan die swart masse sal die land verbrokel en hulle sal ons uit moor en steel. Hy het in die mid tagtigs profeties gese wat sal gebeur as ons die swartes 'n los hand gee in die land.

Als wat hy gevrees het, het gebeur. Dis hoekom hy wou stadig met beskeriming maatsreels in plek die verandering wou om bring. Maar hy was veraai deur Pik Botha en FW De Klerk het in sy beurt ons hele nasie en voor en nageslag veraai.

President PW Botha ek gaan jou mis en sal verewig trots wees op jou die laaste leier wat bereid was om te staan vir wat reg was vir die Volk.

Rus in vrede ou krokedil, mag jy nou jou Gods beloning kry.
