Why I hate Mandela
Ok, So i got you to look at this blog. While in some words saying i hate mandela might be a overstrong way of stating my view, parts of me does feel that way.
It seems that hollywood has taken a real shine to South Africa and its past in a bunch of african styled movies coming out soon one of them named catch a fire, portrays how a peace loving black man gets driven to becoming a "freedom Fighter". This film along with a lot of other films and documtentry's feast on the notion that all the black folks in south africa were great peace loving people who only wanted to be free from the evil satanic white rulers.
Of coarse this is all hogwash, first off before you scream me of the page...yes i know and will be the first to admit that there were lots of whites in the apartheid system that did evil things, and becuase of the handfull of morons we as a people group are now being judged for all eternity by the world and the dictator Mbeki and his brood.
But apartheid at its core was never meant to be what the Voster goverment turned it into, and had The last true president of South Africa; President P.W Botha stayed in power for his full second term things might have turned back to what apartheid was meant to be.
The whole idea behind apartheid was this: in South Africa we have to many strong culutres in a sense of cultures that cant and wont be ruled by the other, The Boer Nation was the first african tribe in southern africa to take on the brits and their whole empire having fought three major wars with them only to loose the last one whic is know as the 1899-1902 Second Anglo Boer War.
So the creator of the Apartheid system sat down and said the only way this country will ever survive is if the Zulu rules the Zulu and if the English Rule themself and so on ect. Thus he set about creating ereas of land called "homelands" places where historicaly (before britian colonized the whole South Africa after the 1902 war against the Boers) these black tribes lived and ruled themselfs. So to each of the origanil tribes land in the places where they origanaly ruled and lived was given and systems was put in place to help them establish THEIR OWN GOVERMENTS, everything from a president chosen by the people of the said homeland to its own army ,police force,ect.,ect.ect
It was a brilliant plan that could have grown into a system close to that whic the american people live in where there are states ruling themselfs and then a fereral body overseeing the whole.
But the creator of apartheid was assasinated in parlement(still a lot of mystery there) and the next man to bat was minister Voster who turned apartheid into the hell it became.
But even so the amount of blacks killed by the apartheid goverment is not a huge number at all, when one looks at all other african country's and how they kill out their oposing factors one would consider South Africa's apartheid goverment to be as mild as a kitten.
But still everyone in the whole world is ready to jump and just believe any lie the anc put out about us and that time of our history. And in this manner the anc can make sure no one really takes a look at how awful they were and how brutal they were against their own people never mind the inoccent WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND ELDERLY FOLK they murdered in the city's of South Africa.
The Apartheid goverment fought the anc on the battelfields of angola and other places the ANC fought their battels by bombing shoping centres and post offices and and childrens day care centres.
So tell me then; when will Hollywood or anyone in the world make a film about Mandela's evils, Mandela himself said that if he was the jugde at his now famous revonia trail he would have made sure him and his co-acused got the death sentence,
but no instead the world idolises him gives him peace prizes.
How screwed up can history be,
But unlike what the anc is thinking of my People the Boers are not done yet, no sir the final pages of this long drawn out tale are far from being written. All we want is to live in peace and take care of our own. but keep on pushing us and youll see the same thing the brits did in 1902 and that is it would be a great mistake to underestimate the Boer people.
It seems that hollywood has taken a real shine to South Africa and its past in a bunch of african styled movies coming out soon one of them named catch a fire, portrays how a peace loving black man gets driven to becoming a "freedom Fighter". This film along with a lot of other films and documtentry's feast on the notion that all the black folks in south africa were great peace loving people who only wanted to be free from the evil satanic white rulers.
Of coarse this is all hogwash, first off before you scream me of the page...yes i know and will be the first to admit that there were lots of whites in the apartheid system that did evil things, and becuase of the handfull of morons we as a people group are now being judged for all eternity by the world and the dictator Mbeki and his brood.
But apartheid at its core was never meant to be what the Voster goverment turned it into, and had The last true president of South Africa; President P.W Botha stayed in power for his full second term things might have turned back to what apartheid was meant to be.
The whole idea behind apartheid was this: in South Africa we have to many strong culutres in a sense of cultures that cant and wont be ruled by the other, The Boer Nation was the first african tribe in southern africa to take on the brits and their whole empire having fought three major wars with them only to loose the last one whic is know as the 1899-1902 Second Anglo Boer War.
So the creator of the Apartheid system sat down and said the only way this country will ever survive is if the Zulu rules the Zulu and if the English Rule themself and so on ect. Thus he set about creating ereas of land called "homelands" places where historicaly (before britian colonized the whole South Africa after the 1902 war against the Boers) these black tribes lived and ruled themselfs. So to each of the origanil tribes land in the places where they origanaly ruled and lived was given and systems was put in place to help them establish THEIR OWN GOVERMENTS, everything from a president chosen by the people of the said homeland to its own army ,police force,ect.,ect.ect
It was a brilliant plan that could have grown into a system close to that whic the american people live in where there are states ruling themselfs and then a fereral body overseeing the whole.
But the creator of apartheid was assasinated in parlement(still a lot of mystery there) and the next man to bat was minister Voster who turned apartheid into the hell it became.
But even so the amount of blacks killed by the apartheid goverment is not a huge number at all, when one looks at all other african country's and how they kill out their oposing factors one would consider South Africa's apartheid goverment to be as mild as a kitten.
But still everyone in the whole world is ready to jump and just believe any lie the anc put out about us and that time of our history. And in this manner the anc can make sure no one really takes a look at how awful they were and how brutal they were against their own people never mind the inoccent WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND ELDERLY FOLK they murdered in the city's of South Africa.
The Apartheid goverment fought the anc on the battelfields of angola and other places the ANC fought their battels by bombing shoping centres and post offices and and childrens day care centres.
So tell me then; when will Hollywood or anyone in the world make a film about Mandela's evils, Mandela himself said that if he was the jugde at his now famous revonia trail he would have made sure him and his co-acused got the death sentence,
but no instead the world idolises him gives him peace prizes.
How screwed up can history be,
But unlike what the anc is thinking of my People the Boers are not done yet, no sir the final pages of this long drawn out tale are far from being written. All we want is to live in peace and take care of our own. but keep on pushing us and youll see the same thing the brits did in 1902 and that is it would be a great mistake to underestimate the Boer people.