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Hier onder volg 'n nuus berig van die sabc webwerf af ek het ongelukig te min tyd om dit oortevertaal. Maar laat ek net se ek hoop die Mpho bliksem besef dat om te toi - toi in die middel van soweto is lekker en mag hom dalk soos 'n man laat voel maar sukkel met 'n afrikaaner se kinders se veiligheid en die hel gaan oor hom losgelaat word....
Of te minste hoop ek so want in my Pa se dag sy so ou nie binne honderd tree van die skool kon kom nie.... Mag ons nog steeds so voel oor ons kinders en hul veiligheid. Word wakker Volk.
Cosas to protest against ‘reactionary’ WC schoolJuly 13, 2005, 06:15
The Congress of SA Students (Cosas) is to embark on mass action when schools reopen next Tuesday, July 19, in protest against a court ruling in favour of a Western Cape school that refuses to enrol English-speakers. Mpho Sesedinyane, Cosas' secretary general, says Cosas will invade the school in Kuils River, which he has branded as reactionary. Mikro Primary School won a high court case against provincial education authorities to keep on teaching in Afrikaans. Sesedinyane has threatened to make the Western Cape ungovernable, unless the school changes its language policy.
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